EMBO | EMBL Symposium Defining and defeating metastasis

Symposium Overview
This symposium will bring together researchers from diverse fields to enhance our understanding of the dissemination and metastatic colonisation of tumour cells. It will provide a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange on current approaches and future collaborations on metastasis and its therapeutic challenges.

Session Topics
Metastasis initiating cells, circulating tumour cells
Motility and invasion
Transcriptional and epigenetic control of metastasis
Metastasis heterogeneity, EMT and plasticity
Metastasis signalling and latency
Metastasis imaging, tumour microenvironment and immune evasion



Venue: EMBL Heidelberg and Virtual

Website: https://www.embl.org/about/info/course-and-conference-office/events/ees22-07/