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Abstract Submission Instructions (Step-by-Step)

Step 1: Affirmations and Title

Step 1: Affirmations and Title


Prior to beginning your submission, you must read and agree to the following:

  1. I have read, understand, and agree to the License and Publication Agreement.
  2. I have read, understand, and agree to the Policy on Research Misconduct by Authors.
  3. All authors’ knowledge of abstract submission.
  4. I have read, understand, and agree to the ASCB Use of Name Policy.
  5. I understand the Abstract submission fee is nonrefundable.
  6. I have read, understand, and agree to the ASCB Privacy Policy.

Abstract Title

Next, you must enter your abstract title. Please be sure to follow the following guidelines:

  • Add Italics, superscript, and subscript.
  • Only capitalize the first word. Do not use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • The abstract title is limited to 200 characters, including spaces.
  • If you have acronyms in your title you may correct those after the system as title cased your title.

If your title does not meet these requirements, it will be edited to conform to the rules. If it does not appear correct, you may adjust the title to correct for any proper or scientific names.

Step 2: Authors and Disclosures
Step 3: Abstract Text
Step 4: Presentation Selections
Step 5: Payment
Step 6: Review My Work