The Post

Students in Greensburg, PA, GASP at the possibility of careers in science

September 3, 2021
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The year is 2012. A high school student in Greensburg, PA, desperately wants to become a scientist and decides to…

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Developing Future Biologists opens new vistas in STEM

August 20, 2021
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Most students who start in STEM do not fully realize the breadth of scientific career opportunities available to them. I…

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WICB 50th Anniversary celebration events

August 5, 2021
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The year 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of ASCB’s Women in Cell Biology Committee! The WICB was formed in 1971…

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Directing science outreach and education before and after COVID-19

July 29, 2021
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Many of us are committed to outreach and educating the public about science, but what is it like to do…

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COMPASS Outreach Spotlight: Urban Ecologist program sparks science interest in middle schoolers

July 15, 2021
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Using an ASCB Compass Outreach Grant, a University of Akron Department of Biology group of graduate and undergraduate students created…

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How art can teach kids science

July 9, 2021
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Blue paint squirts onto a paper plate. Next is red, black, yellow, and finally, white. The pallet is ready. “Jay”…

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ASCB COMPASS Outreach Spotlight: Caribbean Youth Development Institute

June 3, 2021
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The Caribbean is known for being a region with bright, exuberant people. There was no exception to this notion when…

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COMPASS Outreach Spotlight: Stories in Science

June 1, 2021
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Science is driven by people who face frustrations, mistakes, failures, success, discovery, doubt, lack of motivation, confusion, disagreements, and so…

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COMPASS Outreach Grant Spotlight: Science Advocacy for Youngsters Initiatives

May 10, 2021
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In the words of Keith L. Moore, a renowned professor of Clinical Anatomy at the University of Toronto, “You will…

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Diversity, equity, inclusion work from in-group and allyship perspectives

May 5, 2021
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We’ve witnessed crescendoing calls for equity and justice in recent months from many quarters: our labs, our institutions, our scientific…

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