The Post

Bullying in science: let’s face the problem

March 16, 2018
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The likelihood of a good scientist succeeding depends on infinite factors. At some point, we have all experienced the fact…

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The stranger in the lab: Staff scientists—who they are, what they do and how they improve academia

March 9, 2018
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When you think of lab personnel, you probably think of the PI, postdocs, graduate students and even some undergrads. However,…

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Resources to address challenges for international students and postdocs

January 12, 2018
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All scientific career paths are paved with many obstacles to being successful, and individuals can experience different or additional barriers…

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Spotlight on 2017 Fall COMPASS outreach grant recipients

December 1, 2017

Science outreach can be many things—teaching and inspiring a younger generation of scientists, communicating results in an accessible way to…

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Tanner to receive Bruce Alberts award for excellence in science education

October 24, 2017

Kimberly D. Tanner, a professor in the Biology Department at San Francisco State University, will receive the Bruce Alberts Award…

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2017 E.E. Just Award winner is JoAnn Trejo

October 19, 2017

It was during summers as an undergraduate while living in a small cottage on the property of immigrant engineering professor…

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Hartl and Horwich named 2017 E.B. Wilson Medalists

September 22, 2017

ASCB has selected F. Ulrich Hartl of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry and Arthur Horwich of the Yale School…

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Cornell’s Scott D. Emr to deliver 2017 Porter Lecture

September 22, 2017

Scott D. Emr will give the 2017 Keith Porter Lecture at the 2017 ASCB|EMBO Meeting this December in Philadelphia. Emr…

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Opinion by Jessica Polka

July 31, 2017

For background and information on the GSI and NGRI, click here Even after passing through the bottleneck between a postdoc…

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Volunteering in your scientific society: six lessons from a COMPASS alum

June 16, 2017
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Compared with all other ASCB committees, membership in the Committee for Postdocs and Students (COMPASS) fluctuates with a fast tempo,…

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