The Post

The State of Science in the UK after the Dust of the Election Has Settled

June 5, 2015

On May 7, 2015, voters in the United Kingdom (UK) went to the polls for the 2015 General Election. The…

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Michigan: The Latest Meeting Addressing the Biomedical Research Crisis

May 22, 2015

I have written before about the crisis in biomedical research that has been increasingly discussed since the publication of “Rescuing…

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The Research Landscape in the European Union

April 24, 2015

While the world watched the European Space Agency place the Philae probe from the Rosetta orbiter on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the…

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The Importance of Elections in Scientific Societies (including ASCB)

April 10, 2015

The opinions presented in this piece represent the authors’ opinions and do not reflect either COMPASS or ASCB official opinions.…

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Postdocs Driving Change: The National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) Meeting 2015

March 27, 2015
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Attendees of the 2015 National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) meeting at the University of Maryland in Baltimore noted something different compared…

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Put Your PhD/Postdoc Where Your Mouth Is

March 3, 2015

Let’s get the obvious out of the way. The academic research system is broken, particularly for young scientists like us…

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Outreach Grants Will Promote Basic Science from Galway to San Quentin Prison

September 25, 2014

Inmate-college students at San Quentin Prison will soon have microscopes for their biology lab through an ASCB Outreach Grant, offered by…

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How Competitive Should Science Be?

August 29, 2014

Duncker, Karl (1945). On Problem Solving, Psychological Monographs, 58, American Psychological Association OCLC: 9687931Intense competition in the biomedical sciences has…

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Microbes, bubbles, and poop: the wonders of microscopic life in the eyes of children

May 16, 2014

The USA Science and Engineering Festival is more than a science fair on steroids, it is a whole different level…

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Where Will A Biology PhD Take You?

April 11, 2014

Based primarily on the 2012 NIH Workforce report this infographic represents current workforce sizes and annual fluxes before and after…

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