Organizer and Volunteer Opportunities

Session Types

We have opportunities for every attendee to get involved, organize a session, or volunteer to make Cell Bio 2024 a great success:

  • Scientific Sessions - Session Proposal Deadline: February 27
    • Special Interest Subgroups (abstract-based talks)
    • Panels
    • Workshops 
  • Sponsored Sessions - Session Proposal Deadline: May 30
  • Networking Sessions - Topic Proposal Period: early June to October 15
  • Poster Sessions and Poster Teasers - Volunteer Reviewer/Moderator Sign Ups on first-come, first-served basis

Diversity and Inclusion

ASCB is committed to ensuring that a diversified and inclusive program is presented to our attendees. Session organizers will be required to ensure speakers selected represent diverse ethnic backgrounds, gender, research backgrounds, career-levels, geographic location.

Learn more about each session type below and submit your application for the current openings.

Current Opportunities

Abstract Programming Task Force

ASCB offers early-career, mid-career, and postdoctoral members the chance to join the Poster Abstract Programming Task Force. Task Force members will review and assign abstracts into poster sessions for the annual meeting.

Key Tasks and Requirements:

  • Initial Review
    • Dates: Friday, September 6 to Friday, September 13
    • Tasks: Review abstracts via PDF and a Google spreadsheet link sent by email to ensure they meet the minimum requirements for acceptance, and reassign abstracts to different topics, if needed.
  • Late Abstract Review and Poster Session Creation
    • Dates: Thursday, October 17 to Friday, October 25
    • Tasks: Review late abstracts for topical fit and minimum requirements like the initial review. Use an online system to then create sessions for all accepted abstracts (from all deadlines) following ASCB guidelines. The review and scheduling will take place from Thursday, October 17 to Thursday, October 24. Task force members also need to be available on Friday, October 25 for any questions related to the review and to ensure all abstracts assigned to your topic have been placed in a session.

Eligibility: ASCB Regular and Postdoctoral Members

Selection is first-come, first-served and notifications will be sent by August 29.

Networking Sessions

At Cell Bio 2024, we're all about fostering connections. That's why we're thrilled to unveil our enhanced networking opportunities designed to bring attendees closer together and facilitate meaningful interactions throughout the event. We invite you to organize one of the following:

Dedicated Roundtable Sessions: We've carved out specific times and spaces for dedicated networking sessions, ensuring ample opportunities for engagement. Join us for roundtable discussions held between Scientific Sessions (Subgroups) on Saturday (12:30 pm-1:30 pm) and between poster sessions on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday (12:45 pm to 1:30 pm). These sessions offer a platform for hosting small events, sparking conversations, and forging new connections within the community. Deadline to apply is October 15.

Joint Networking Reception: Mark your calendars for Tuesday evening's joint networking reception, the ultimate gathering to mingle and connect. From 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, attendees can reserve sections of the room to host their own networking events. Whether you're looking to convene around a shared interest, career level, or lab reunion, this event is your chance to network with peers in a relaxed and vibrant atmosphere. Enjoy the convenience of a cash bar located in the center of the room, accompanied by light snacks. Plus, hosts have the option to elevate their networking experience by ordering additional food and beverages or purchasing drink tickets. Deadline to apply is October 1. 

Exhibitor Opportunities: Exhibiting companies and sponsors have the exclusive opportunity to rent sections of the larger joint networking space on Tuesday evening to showcase their brand and engage with attendees. With rental fees ranging from $500 to $1,000 based on space requirements, exhibitors can make a lasting impression on our diverse audience. Additionally, private rooms are available for rental throughout the week at a higher fee, providing exhibitors and supporters with tailored spaces to host events and meetings. Deadline to apply is October 1. 

Don't miss out on these exciting networking initiatives at Cell Bio 2024. Sign up beginning June 4 to unlock unparalleled opportunities for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and professional growth. We can't wait to connect with you!

Networking organizers are responsible for:

  • establishing a title and brief description
  • facilitating the discussions or activities on the day of and engaging with attendees
  • promoting your networking session and encouraging other attendees to participate

Eligibility: All Cell Bio 2024 registrants

Past Opportunities

Scientific Sessions - Special Interest Subgroups

Accepting Organizer and Session Proposals - Deadline PASSED: February 27

Subgroup sessions take a deep dive into fundamental and innovative areas related to cell science and adjacent fields, and should provide groundbreaking research findings with talks selected from abstract submissions. These sessions focus on a singular topic. Session proposals are accepted based on relevancy and timeliness of the session topic.

  • Purpose: Organizing sessions that will present exciting research findings and discoveries to an audience in areas of interest to the cell science community and adjacent disciplines.
  • Format: Scientific presentations selected from submitted abstracts, followed by Q&A. These sessions will be 60 or 90 minutes long (see below for more information).
  • Audience Engagement: Limited Q&A after each talk; and roundtables in the hallways near the room for optional post-session discussions.
  • Topics: Organizers will be asked to select at least one of the 20 scientific proposal topics below. If the session does not fit into any of these topics, there will be an “Other” option available.
  • Outcome: Researchers disseminate their work to a broader audience, receive feedback, and promote knowledge exchange within the scientific community.

Subgroup organizers will have one of two formats to select from based on the length of the session:

  • 60-minute sessions can select from:
    • Four speakers for 15 minutes each (up to 12 minute talk with remainder Q&A)
    • Two speakers for 15 minutes each (up to 12 minute talk with remainder Q&A) and three speakers for 10 minutes (5 minute talk with remainder Q&A). The two longer talks will bookend the session.
  • 90-minute sessions can select from:
    • Six speakers for 15 minutes each (up to 12 minute talk with remainder Q&A)
    • Four speakers for 15 minutes each (up to 12 minute talk with remainder Q&A) and three speakers for 10 minutes (5 minute talk with remainder Q&A). The shorter talks will take place in the middle of the session with two longer talks before and after.

If you are proposing a broader topic that could span over two sessions, please submit a proposal for each session and indicate in the description that it is one in a series of two sessions. Please include the title for the other submission so we know they can be linked. We cannot guarantee that both sessions will be selected.

The number of Subgroup organizers varies, but it is strongly recommended no more than six (6) organizers. Subgroup organizers are responsible for:

  • establishing a session title and description
  • selecting talks for sessions from submitted abstracts
  • ensuring speakers are prepared for the live session
  • moderating the live session

Eligibility: All ASCB members (all career levels encouraged to apply)

Scientific Sessions - Panels

Accepting Session Proposals - Deadline PASSED: February 27

A scientific panel session aims to bring together a group of experts, from different institutions, with different disciplines or approaches, to discuss and provide insights into addressing or solving a specific topic or issue. The panelists share their perspectives, expertise, and opinions on the subject matter.

  • Purpose: Discussing a specific topic with insights from experts.
  • Format: 60-minute session with at least 20 minutes dedicated to Q&A. It is recommended that each panelist make a short presentation or statement followed by some moderated and pre-planned Q&A before opening the session up to questions from the audience. There should be three to four panelists, and one moderator for each session.
  • Audience Engagement: At least 20 minutes of interactive Q&A at the end of the session.
  • Topics: Broader issues, trends, challenges, or controversies. Organizers will be asked to select at least one of the 20 scientific proposal topics below. If the session does not fit into any of these topics, there will be an “Other” option available.
  • Outcome: Provide different perspectives on the session topic and foster critical thinking and open dialogue. Encourage collaboration and idea-sharing among experts and the audience.

i.e. Evolution of the Cell; Making the Most of New Cell Visualization Tools: Why Not Let Anyone Take a Look?

Panel session organizers are responsible for:

  • establishing a session title, description, and agenda
  • inviting speakers and communicating all details ensuring speakers are prepared for the live session
  • moderating the live session

Eligibility: All ASCB members (all career levels are encouraged to apply)

Scientific Sessions - Workshops

Accepting Session Proposals - Deadline PASSED: February 27

A workshop focuses on skill-building and interactive learning.

  • Purpose: In-depth, or hands-on training and collaboration on a specific topic or skill.
  • Format: 90-minute to two-hour interactive sessions with practical exercises, or demonstrations.
  • Audience Engagement: Active participation, hands-on activities, and Q&A.
  • Topics: Specific skills, methodologies, or interdisciplinary subjects. Organizers will be asked to select at least one of the 20 scientific proposal topics below. If the session does not fit into any of these topics, there will be an “Other” option available.
  • Outcome: Participants gain practical knowledge and expertise.

Examples of Workshops: Screening Approaches in Human Cells and CRISPR Methods; Best Practices in Statistics for Cell Biology; Single Cell Technologies

Workshop session organizers are responsible for:

  • establishing a session title, description, and agenda
  • inviting speakers and communicating all details ensuring speakers are prepared for the live session
  • moderating the live session

Eligibility: All ASCB members (all career levels are encouraged to apply)

Microsymposia Poster Teaser Reviewers and Moderators

Microsymposia, or poster teasers, preview the most exciting and cutting-edge research in 5-minutes with Q&A to follow at the presenters' poster in the Exhibit Hall later that day. The 50 highest scoring abstracts will be featured at the meeting.  We are looking for reviewers and up to 30 moderators to review abstracts and run the live session, respectively.

Key Tasks and Requirements:

  • Reviewers - will participate in an online scoring review of 10-40 abstracts from August 30 to September 16. Reviewers are not required to attend Cell Bio 2024. 
  • Moderators* - will collaborate from October 17 to October 24 to assign abstracts into daily sessions. During Cell Bio 2024, moderators will facilitate the live microsymposia session. *must also be a reviewer.

Eligibility: ASCB Postdoctoral and Graduate Student Members

Selection is first-come, first-served and notifications will be sent by August 8.

Sponsored Sessions

Accepting Session Proposals - Deadline: Accepted on a rolling basis through May 30

Sponsored sessions are organized and hosted by individuals or organizations. These sessions may be scientific in nature or focus on topics related to the scientific enterprise such as education, career development, international relations, science policy, communications, and diversity in the workforce. Session proposals are accepted based on relevancy and timeliness of the session topic. Sessions lengths varies from 45 minutes to 90 minutes. These sessions are completely organized from session idea to format, speaker selection, and schedule. If you would like to organize a session longer than 90-minutes, please contact us directly at, as there is very limited availability for this. Fees for sponsored sessions range from $5,000 to $10,000.

Session organizers are responsible for:

  • establishing a session title, description, and learning objectives
  • inviting speakers to participate
  • determining the structure of the session (i.e. number and order of talks, panel discussion, networking component, etc.)
  • funding the session (Basic costs, paid to the ASCB, include A/V and room rental. Additional costs include catering, speaker/organizer travel and registration expenses, etc.) See below for further information on session fees.

The ASCB is responsible for:

  • providing a room with A/V equipment (as ordered)
  • marketing of the session on the Cell Bio 2024 website, online program, and mobile app


  • Open to any individual(s) or organization (may include all ASCB members, EMBO community members, and non-ASCB/EMBO non-profit organizations)
  • Must secure funding to host the session


  • Basic Setup Costs: $5,000-$10,000 - Includes room rental and audio/visual equipment. Price varies by needs and a price will be provided once we receive the requirements.
  • Additional Costs (optional):
    • Catering - Pricing Varies - Order directly through the official convention catering company, Levy.
    • Speaker/Organizer Travel Expenses - Pricing Varies - Hotel rates will be available in June.
    • Speaker/Organizer Registration Expenses - Pricing Varies

If you are an exhibitor looking to promote a product, we encourage you to instead consider an Exhibitor Tech Talk.

Exhibitor Tech Talks

These talks, located on the exhibit hall, provide an effective means for scientific or educational interaction with attendees. Each Tech Talk is 45-minutes long with your choice of seating for 50 or 150. Tech Talks include A/V support, internet connection for the presenter, and the option to purchase food and beverage. Abstracts will be included in the Mobile App, meeting webpage, and in the online meeting program.

*Available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Cost: varies, starts around $2,000

To inquire about an exhibitor tech talk, please contact:

Cell Bio 2024
c/o SPARGO, Inc.

 Phone: (703) 631-6200 / (800) 564-4220