
About the Committee

The ASCB Council serves as an advisory board to the Presidents and the CEO in setting priorities and strategic directions, overseeing resource allocations, and ensuring that ASCB activities align with the mission of the ASCB.



  • Advise the Presidents and CEO regarding strategic direction, priorities, and goals to ensure long-range planning, implementation, and goal assessment
  • Be aware of the Society’s mission and the constituencies it serves
  • Periodically review the Society’s mission and purpose—ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in meeting members’ needs
  • Carefully consider new initiatives, their alignment to ASCB’s mission, timetables, assessment, and exit strategies, if relevant
  • Recommend nominees for Council, Officers, Committee Chairs


  • Oversee ASCB’s business, property, and affairs—including overall stewardship of the Society
  • Review and approve major programs and policies, ensuring that they meet the needs of our members, our profession, and our constituents
  • Approve Chairs of Committees and publication Editors-in-Chief
  • Review and approve ASCB public statements
  • Be aware of ASCB By-Laws, initiate and act on amendments to the Bylaws Review amendments to the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation
  • Establish policy on behalf of the ASCB and suggest policy changes
  • Review and approve Annual Meeting program and speakers (Two Council members must also serve as Program Committee members)


  • Ensure the fiscal soundness and financial stability of the Society
  • Make financial decisions that directly support the Society’s mission and vision
  • Approve budget—a planning document that should align resources with priorities
  • Approve changes in dues, registration fees, page charges, journal subscription rates Individual Council Member Responsibilities:


  • Become sufficiently aware of and remain informed about ASCB policies, activities, finances, membership, committees, publications, goals, partnerships, grants, and business model to make informed decisions
  • Engage actively in, and support, the Society and its mission, programs, and policies through partnerships with staff and volunteers
  • Attend the ASCB Annual Meeting
  • Read the agenda materials provided to each Councilor, including reports from Committee Chairs and staff, in advance of the Council’s meetings
  • Attend and actively participate in all (or most) Council meetings/conference calls
  • Offer talents, skills, experience, interests, and advice
  • Provide important input regarding the Annual Meeting by gauging the needs, interests, and priorities of the cell biology community
  • Serve on Society subcommittees and/or its journals’ editorial boards as needed
  • Take other appropriate governance actions
  • Exercise discretion in its handling of potentially sensitive or competitive information, keeping confidential membership data and other briefing materials provided
  • Respond in a timely manner to requests for Council vote, input, and advice


  • Take seriously commitment to serve the interests and goals of the ASCB as a representative of the membership
  • Represent the Society to members, potential members, and the community positively, helping to inform others (peers, students, postdocs, etc.) about the Society’s value, membership benefits, meetings, and programs
  • Contact the President, the CEO, the relevant Committee Chair, or other member of the ASCB leadership when an issue arises that is of interest or about which more information would be helpful

Member Criteria


  • Current Regular, Educator, Postdoctoral or Graduate Student member
  • Proven commitment to diversity, equity and/or inclusion work
  • Past participation in ASCB activities
  • With the goal of providing opportunity for more of the membership to participate in the governance and guidance of the ASCB, current committee member nominees would be expected to resign from their committee service if elected to serve on Council


  • Current Regular member
  • Consistent membership over the past 3-5  years
  • Proven commitment to diversity, equity and/or inclusion work
  • Past participation in ASCB activities, especially leadership roles
  • Has experience in strategic planning and/or the execution of a strategic vision
  • Strong spokesperson, with media and/or advocacy experience preferred
  • Experience leading at the equivalent of the departmental level of higher
  • Experience with fundraising from private, foundation and corporate sources or for multiple group efforts from public sources

Time Commitment

Council meets three times per year beginning in 2021 to review ASCB activities, set priorities and define strategic directions, and approximately monthly through conference calls that focus on specific issues. Some decisions and votes are also taken through email discussions, as needed. Regular participation in each of these venues is required. Council members also serve as representatives of the ASCB and should actively promote its programs (including the Annual Meeting and its journals) to peers, students, and postdoctoral fellows.

Interested in Applying?

Applications for 2024 are now closed.

Staff Contact Info

Please email for questions regarding the Council.
The ASCB Council consists of 12 members, as well as the ASCB Officers (President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, and Treasurer). ASCB Councilors are elected by their peers (ASCB voting members) to three-year terms. The duties of the Council are to oversee the organizational health and engage in the overall stewardship of the Society, to determine the policies for the good of the Society, approve the budget, approve changes in dues, review proposals for amendments to the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, and take other appropriate governance actions. View Council Members  Apply to be a Candidate